miércoles, septiembre 22, 2010

Some Spontaneous Phrases

Although I Lose All My Senses;
The Rest of Me will Burn 
like a Shining Star in the Sky,
Like You;
when You gave Me Life again...
Life is too Large...
when my time is almost over;
If I'll met You again...
That feeling's the unique that maintain;
without Ending
Remember that Black Rose...
When My Death almost Come...
You be There 
and Take Us back our home...
Together again!!!
Of course I can't forget... 
The reason why I Write again... 
easily is because You Iluminated
My Soul that Day...

esa herida nunca existio,
fue solo mi imaginacion; 
tras 8 años te pido perdón...
Sinceramente te deseo lo mejor...
For a while... 
I Believe on You again... 
That feeling,
that life,
that death, 
Ese fue mi despertar otra vez,
cual luz del amanecer...

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