domingo, julio 08, 2012

Why Happens This Right Know

this eclipse reminds me 
the prophecy that I met, 
when I was in a darkest prison...

just focus that part of the prophecy
that concerns to a special human being... 
Should I intervene in that history now???

This decision 
could make me change my dying mind... 
but I'll need some kind of LIGHT, 
something that I haven't anymore. 
What I should do???

What I should do??? 
The thought in my dying mind suggests: 
To use a new dark seal...

this could be something wrong, 
cuz that human being 
could be fall in darkness... 
But It that I know hurts so much...

the tinier part of 
wish something, 
like something that happened before...

Once again just 
I can change the darkness 
that grows up inside 
that special human being, 
for a real part of my LIGHT.

Even again 
I feel weakest than ever before... 
Life once again no belong to me. 
Sacred Lady 
you meet me better than myself...

allow me that 
this wish can be real. 
Even if happens 
something dark to Me.

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