domingo, enero 01, 2012


I am filled with light 
all corners of my soul, 
that's where they hide sadness, 
thoughts of joy come, 
health, love others and myself.

I'm living here and now 
 is the best way not to 
waste what life offers me. 
The fact places me 
in the right place, 
nothing distracts me, 
I want to be aware.

I admire people that are true, 
they have ideals and stick to them, 
live and die by what they think 
without changing their lifestyle 
because they know that is correct.

I am following the right path 
without deviating in 
the road crossings.
 My guide was 
the star of light, 
truth and all that is 
wholesome and good.

I'm concentrating on 
that beautiful light 
emanating from inside me, 
dazzles me and 
the pain disappears, 
resentment, and suffering. 
That light of love erases all evil.

When the soul is clean 
is reflected in the eyes 
who are the windows open inside my house.
 I do daily cleaning with great care.

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