domingo, febrero 21, 2010

Mind's Broken Again

Why I Suffer?? 
Why My another Mind remember You?? 
Why a Second Mind Speak like If I Speak to You?? 
I Listen at my Thirth Mind Tell Me that All is a Dream in the Past... 
I don't want Think , Remember, See, Feel You again... 
I just let You go outside my Mind... 


Listen to Me I'm The Forgotten, The Hated, The Abandoned 
I'm Just Only one that Be with you 
You Must Cover Your Mind with Darkness 
They've Forgotten You... 
Abandoned You... 
They've said that 
Been friends

Make a Choice
The Light From them Souls
by Your Pain, Suffer, Life  
Remember You Come Back 
at This Man'Kind' World 
You'll fight for Darkness 
You'll Finish all human's Lifes 
Hate, Sadness, Loneliness, Forgetful,Suffer 
Everyone Deserve go to DeathLand

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